Time has come that I must leave but I’ll return before next spring save the dress you wear for me tell me love will stay.
Days will come and linger long that you may strain to hear our song but I am not forever gone; hold for me that day.
Summer he’ll come bearing down the morning sun strike shore and sound with thoughts of you I’ll be found out upon the sea.
I’ll be working night and day and putting back my hard earned pay, each dollar in my knapsack laid for the day that you’re with me.
Then come autumn I will miss the golden harvest moons last kiss, upon the stumbled fields with this I’ll long for you the more.
October fiddles in the glenn, the cider and the widows spin, and all the sounds of all the kin; heels upon the floor
Come cold winter on the deep; as I lie alone and sleep; I’ll treasure how you softly breathed and I shall call your name
All my dreams will be of you; and all that I might say and do will for your promise be done true; this much you can claim.
Oh for spring and look ye then, to the reach; the sailors friend, tis then I’ll return again and marry you sweet lass,
And our chldren I’ll regale with stories that all Sailors tell, of krakens and the ships last bell, and how love steered me past.
Stars guiding me; all waves to thee
Stars guiding me; always to thee.
Scruffy april 2017