
Zombies vs. Aliens

I know so many people who pretend they are alive;

they walk, they talk, that can’t be denied.

I don’t buy the Zombies so I don’t think that’s the case

It’s there’s something missing; something out of place.

Perhaps they are simply new souls, and thus yet untrained

in the subtle touch of empathy or when their tongues to restrain.

They look at me quite puzzled at things I see as quite the norm

and stand agape in wonder when the path before is thorned.

An absence of: what to do; when to do, how to do: confusion,

Is noted in their darting eyes and fixed surreal illusions.

They perplex me; I must say, by defying the terms of life

 they are not alive; yet are not dead: like they can’t decide.

I try to give them room; advice, the means to go beyond grey

I touch their skin to feel for pulse, or discern supposed decay.

Aliens!  That must be it; visitors from other worlds

where all emotion has devolved, to whit the absent heartfelt words.

For certain it is grace to me to finally have it sorted out,

the  Zombie thought was disconcerting; I’m content they’re not about.

Aliens on the other hand may in their logic cause more grief,

but at least they are not dead and that of course is some relief. 

Scruffy March 2018