THE “TAO OF SCRUFFY” Or Just plain old “SCRUFFY’s BLOG Page” 


Here is Scruffy’s Blog Page or if you wish; the TAO OF SCRUFFY  which sounds far more exotic and adds a sense of mystery to some fairly mundane stuff.

I am writing all this down; covering from about the time I was eight until now sixty nine; including poems, short stories, individual thoughts, advice, guitar with lyrics, solo music, etc; because I am in process of croaking from Mesothelioma and my industrious wife thought that I should write down my works so that my children could have something to look at and reference after my goose  is cooked. Of course; fact is, if they were going to reference something I thought or said; it probably would have happened long before now.

I was fortunate to have been raised a loner with a strong penchant for a fountain pen, pencils, scraps of paper, church bulletins, et al as fodder for my thoughts.  Combining this with a strong dislike of authoritarian behavior and aggression; music and writing allowed me to live in a world free of the realities of a more harsh and disciplined Southern Baptist mindset which I never quite fit in. 

It was an odd dichotomy; being forced to view everything in black and white while traversing in a multicolored mind.  Bipolar would have truly fit;  however, I’ll settle for ADHD.  But; along the way; I was blessed to play The Louisiana Hayride on the same stage Elvis played on, Concert for Lone Star Beer on the back of a trailer in at a raceway,  The Bitter end in NewYork where Neil Diamond and Bob Dylan got their start, tons of clubs and other events including a life long role as Santa Claus and so much more. What a life!.

Given that I am on a limited time frame and intend to get as much as I can on this site; there will be a mix mash of dates, types of material, perhaps hundreds of individual thoughts, etc.  Read them if you wish, comment if you wish and learn something from either, extrapolated thoughts, disagreement or agreement; after all, I wrote it because I thought it; you can read it and think about it and grow from whatever direction you take it.

This is not to be viewed from some weepy perspective; rather, one of following the weaving road that I have followed and seeing where it takes you.  I have been extremely blessed to have raised my children; been married to the love of my life, received all the education I ever wanted, and in short, have done everything I ever  set out to do and been satisfied with the outcome.  I was loved by my Mother and Sisters; I was saved and nurtured by my Maternal Grandparents and I was  blessed with a close knit family and friends that I would give my life for on any given day.  A life varied and complete. 

This helter-skelter effort at the last minute, may be a little less stellar in that there may be misspelled words, dates out of sequence, etc.; but, I’m not sure how much time I have to get it all organized; so it won’t be corrected in any way shape or form.  If you find something wrong; say “It seems that he was in a hurry” and let it go.  Go for the content.  This is dedicated to my wife, my children, my friends and anyone who gains anything from reading this.  Enjoy “THE TAO OF SCRUFFY”.

One Reply to “THE “TAO OF SCRUFFY” Or Just plain old “SCRUFFY’s BLOG Page” ”

  1. Your words seep in by osmosis over time; we just don’t do a good job of showing our appreciation for them. I’m thankful for all of these posts; I wish we could harvest some of your Facebook posts and song videos for this page as well.

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