Theory of Irrelativity
Irrelativity is a highly refined term set forth in my research in to non existence. One
may not say for instance “that is irrelative” nor would it be proper to say “that is not
relevant” as a synonym for irrelativity; rather, it would be possible to perceive
irrelativity as a state of irrelevance but only if accepting that the concept being
discussed did not in fact exist and by not existing could not be relative to the
research or discussion.
What follows in this treatise will be an overview of the Theory and its various facets.
There are exceptions to the Theory of Irrelativity; however, they cause the premise
to expand rather than contract and create a state of disconnect in which only
Irrelativity can exist.
Exception One: Fantasy
In the normal or real assertion of relativity, one can determine by preponderance of
the evidence at hand or in more heady matters, through detailed analysis or
research, that the assertion is indeed relative or not relative; however, in fantasy,
wherein the rules of normalcy or reality are tweaked to suit the thoughts of the
asserting party, Irrelativity can be the only finding by rational means. In other
words, that which was asserted is not relevant, not because it has no meaningful
correlation to reality; but rather, because it does not exist in reality.
Exception Two: Naming the Un named
By act of naming the state of Irrelativity, it takes on a pseudo existence; not one that
may be compared to reality or used in argument against another concept; rather, in
name alone. As example, the deluded assertion could be made that a pink rhino with
five horns and wings of fire was descending from the sky to alter the worlds path of
declination into moral depravity. This concept upon its assertion would be deemed
“Irrelative”; not because it does not render a fine visual or because it would not be
good for us all; rather, because it is non existent.
Recall if you will how long it took for Black Holes to become accepted as more than a
concept; now, they are perceived by some to threaten our very existence. Next, read
the book of Revelations wherein winged horses, raging characters, multiple headed
beings, et al sit ready to end time. There is little need for discussion on debunking
this paradigm as a large number of the worlds religious community notes it as
gospel (no pun intended).
Irrelativity may also be used in the social paradigm. As example, politicians have
platforms, we all accept this as so. What we are unaware of, to the politicians glee, is
the fact that the “platform” in many cases is “Irrelative” in other words, it does not
exist. I am not asserting that any politician is anywhere near capable of discovering
the Theory of Irrelativity; no, I am stating that the relationship is much like that of
the surfer who rides the wave with no inclination as to the origin or science behind
that moving mountain of water. What the politicians and more to the case, their
masters have done is recognize that by asserting the “Irrelative”, rational argument
against their position is futile. You cannot effectively argue against that which does
not exist.
Politicians and those of their ilk are adept at taking the “Irrelevant” and holding it
out as an entity, boon or threat, as real as the sudden stop at the end of a fall from
outer space wherein the astronaut has been unable to re enter his space ship and
has been sucked into the gravitational pull of earth and has plummeted at 600
thousand miles per hour to the surface of earth. Note, that all of the sudden, you
just now made the visual leap to the space paradigm. It did not happen, you don’t
know anyone that it has happened to; however, my tapping into your imaginative
recall made it possible and with a little further tweaking, it could become probable
and with a little more tweaking, real.
There is a danger beyond reality in the manipulation of the “Irrelative”. First and
foremost, the scheme we have just created and any other that we could create,
though “Irrelative” can become the subject of mass fantasy; no where is this more
evident than in religion and/or politics. Please be careful to note that this Theory
has absolutely no cynicism intended nor any political or religious affiliations nor
intent to deride; rather, it is the examination of a state of non existence and how that
non existence can be used for good or evil. The true value herein is in the caution it
should bring to the rational mind.
We must stop here and recognize the difference between hope, history, reality and
“Irrelativity”. There is nothing at all wrong with hoping for a certain religious
outcome and we do not need to assert fact or fiction; rather, we may cite faith and
continue forward. Irrelativity would come into play only when we assert our faith;
thus belief, into something real. Now, I would expect a religious backlash and title of
heretic and non believer to be tossed in from various organized religions; however,
you would be arguing or preaching as it were to the choir. The difference between
relevance and Irrelativity is that while I believe in my religion, I will not embrace any
concept preached in association that harms others, that upholds class distinction,
that causes war and famine. Do you see the difference? The religion may be based
in historical foundation, it may have occurred, the Saviour from whatever your
religion may have actually existed and walked the earth; I believe that mine did.
What happened subsequently was much like the example given earlier. A man or
group of men, seeking power and control drew upon the Irrelevant and made it real.
The teachings that would for instance save us all are coupled with the Irrelevant or
non existent and become one whole and misguided message which can in the end
only benefit those making the assertion.