Transition Theory by Scruffy

Transition is a word adopted by hospice as an alternate to death; a less
stark; shocking and brutal word but not the last that will be used as we
distance ourselves from the inevitable.
Our weakness becomes our modus operandi. Shunned as a child; beaten
as a child, loved as a child; our entire lives become a default to that
setting; either seeking what cannot be replicated or believing that all things
are replications. That any action, failure, disappointment, etc. are living
proof of what existed or more clearly; what we perceived as having
Depending on the severity of the action or perception; even the slightest
bump in the road can become a canyon; much less a real disruption or
tragedy.. Sadly; others who are experiencing the same dynamics are
subjected to the actions or perceived actions of the co victim and thus set
off a chain of self fulfilling thought. What was virtually nothing becomes a
division too wide to cross; what may have been something creates
universes in between. All roads lead to the dysfunction.
Does it have to be this way?
Recognition of the catalyst and the subsequent full examination of what is
being defaulted to and why; are possible lifelines; however, the imprint is
so strong that even the conscious knowledge of what and why can be
reasoned away; creating a lasting self loathing and anger that lead to
This material is foundational and it is possible that some medical or
physical stimulus may disrupt the process sufficient to render the
individual and thus any relationship contaminated by the process;
salvageable. Left to ones on devices; knowing and doing may be near
Daily thought may also become reinforcement to the negative as a subset
of destructive thought that serves the cumulative subconscious or
conscious goal.
It is worth examining by interview as to the potential for self harm during
this process and noting the difference between days and hours that spike
and recede.

Of interest; one may know the way out and not take it; for reasons that
even they cannot explain. Simple steps, gestures, honest emotions;
hidden away or disregarded in favor of the process.